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"I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” 

-Jay Gould

Open Educational Resources

One of my greatest passions is ensuring equal access to educational materials. I do much of that work in the realm of open educational resources, or free, openly-licensed course materials. I am currently engaged in a project to diversify the OpenStax Psychology book to ensure that this free resource appropriately covers the breadth of people engaged in psychological science, practice, and history. I wrote about this project here. I was awarded an Affordable Learning Grant for Summer 2019 to integrate my students' open pedagogy project into our Intro Psych textbook and another Affordable Learning Grant in Summer 2018 to develop an open educational resource for Psychology as a Science that can be used by other instructors. I was also named an Open Educational Resources research fellow for the 2018-2019 academic year and work with my university's office of Academic Outreach and Innovation on developing OER across the university system. 



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Teaching is not filling up a pail, it is lighting a fire. –William Butler Yeats



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