Week 1 - Greeks
Week 2 - Science and Philosophy
The Beginnings of Modern Philosophy
Week 3 - Physiology and Evolution
Week 4 - Individual Differences
Commentary: The birth of the twin study
Origins of Eugenics: From Sir Francis Galton to Virginia’s Racial Integrity Act of 1924
Week 5 - Experimental Psychology
Early Psychological Laboratories
Week 6 - Women in Psychology
A Laboratory Study of Fear: The Case of Peter
Placing Women in the History of Psychology
Week 7 - Behaviorism
Week 8 - Gestalt/Cognitive Psychology
Week 9 - Racism
Racial Identification and Preference in Negro Children
Scientific Racism and North American Psychology (pages 1-10)
Week 10 - Mental Illness/Clinical Psychology
On Being Sane in Insane Places - Rosenhan*
Week 11 - Psychoanalysis/Psychotherapy
Week 12 - Humanistic/Existential Psychology
Significant Aspects of Client-Centered Therapy
excerpt from Man's Search for Meaning
Week 13 - Some Other Isms
“The Western Gaze”—An Analysis of Medical Research Publications Concerning the Expressions of Depression, Focusing on Ethnicity and Gender - Lehti, Johansson, Bengs, Danielsson, & Hammarström*
Feminism and/in/as Psychology - Rutherford*
Week 14 - Racism...Yes, There's More
Scientific Racism and North American Psychology (pages 11-17)
The Psychology of American Racism
Week 15 - The Future of Psychology
Searching for Justice in an Unequal World: Reframing Indigenous Psychology as a Cultural and Political Project - Bhatia*
* = articles accessed using library resources